5 secrets to maintain a steady weight

Now that you have reached your weight loss goal, we are sure you wouldn't want to slip down the slipper slope of weight gain again.

The real task of managing your weight lies ahead. So, what will be your plan of action? The most pivotal point to note here is that you have to make your weight loss a permanent one. For doing so, today, Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, Sr Consultant Laparoscopic, Gastro & Obesity surgeon at Fortis Jessa Ram Hospital, New Delhi, gives us his insights on the top 5 secrets for maintaining a steady weight.

Get exercise in unexpected ways. To maintain the ideal weight, for men and women, one needs to be active in their whole day. Ideally, it is recommended to burn at least 2000 calories per day for men & 1600 calories for women.

There are several ways to burn your calories. For example, if men and women wash their cars, an activity that takes at least 30 minutes, it easily burns approximately 300 calories. Similarly, instead of using elevators/lift, if they use stairs, they will burn upto 100 calories, and so on.

Don't try to be perfect. Maintaining weight or losing weight should not be a short duration target. It should be an on-going activity, which needs to be achieved slowly and in a steady manner. It should be pursued with the intent to learn, rather than the attitude that declares it as learned or perfect.

Keep fizzy drinks at bay as much as you can. Surely, soft drinks and other carbonated drinks need to be on check. If you are on your way to being a fit person and want to live your life healthier, then stay away from fizzy drinks as much as you can. Instead, go for home-made lemonade, fresh fruit juice or prepare your own ice tea. Carbonated, aerated drinks simply elevate the symptoms of diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, liver damage, heart ailments and even cancer to some extent.

Eat at proper intervals. If one wants to maintain his/her lost weight or intends to lose weight, then the most important point to keep in mind is to have food at proper regular intervals. Skipping any meal of the day, will not help one to lose weight, rather it creates problems. It is recommended to have 6 to 7 meals in a day but of small portions. The count is of calories, i.e. how much you consume in a day. The small portion of meal helps you digest food faster. And not to forget, eat a light dinner at least a couple of hours before sleeping to avoid acidity and other indigestion issues that indirectly affect weight management.

Do not forget your strength training routine. Not only does strength training give men and women a fit and toned body, but it also helps the joints and muscles work more efficiently against injuries. It makes joints and bones more flexible and strong, and increases stamina. It is ideally suggested that one should opt for strength training for at least three times a week. Strength train all parts of your body by targeting different body muscles on a daily basis.     

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