Avoid these foods to avoid constipation

Constipation is an uncomfortable condition. Previously, we covered the foods that you must eat on a regular basis to tackle constipation.

On the other side of the healthy-unhealthy food spectrum, there are also some popular foods that you should avoid if you want to stay away from constipation. We give you 5 foods to exclude from your diet.

Processed food: Whether it is frozen foods or burgers and pizzas, it is going to make your mornings hard to get through, literally. When food is preserved and ready to eat, vital nutrients are drained out, plus the ingredients used are cheap. For example, all purpose flour or maida is used practically in all pizzas, breads and instant noodles.
Bottomline: Processed food has less fiber hence they linger in your system causing discomfort.

Bakery goodies: Nankhatais, kharis and tea biscuits are rich in sugar and fat. They may go well with tea and coffee, but lack fiber. But there's a solution to these good old treats, increase your fiber intake, and balance it out.
Bottomline: Sugar may go straight to your thigh, but it can also be the cause of constipation.

Red Meat without supplementing meals with vegetables: If you consume pork or beef regularly, without veggies on the side, you may have already experienced constipation. Make it a habit to accompany this precious chunk of meat with salad, cooked vegetables, and whole grain cereal; something that is rich in fiber.
Bottomline: Guess how long it takes to digest meat? No, you're wrong, it takes 90 hours to partially digest meat.

Caffeine: So no one can give up coffee, black tea and colas. They give you the much needed buzz to start your day and keep you going through strenuous meetings, commutes, and just about everything else. Unhealthy dependency aside, caffeine dehydrates the human body and dehydration is one of the main causes of constipation.
Bottomline: If you're addicted to caffeine, it's better to cut down and supplement it with food rich in fiber.

Oily food: Chips and fast foods are tempting, even for those who are determined to eat healthy. But the more oily and salty your food is, the higher your chances of developing some digestive health issues as you cross over from your 20s to the 30s. Foods that are deep fried and soaked in oil like French fries slows down the digestive process.
Bottomline: Fight your cravings and every time you feel tempted to order a round of French fries make sure you drink enough water and eat enough veggies before or after.

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